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IEQ c4.2: Low-emitting Materials—paints and Coatings


To establish minimum indoor air quality (IAQ) performance to enhance indoor air quality in buildings, thus contributing to the comfort and well-being of the occupants.


Paints and coatings used on the interior of the building (i.e., inside of the weatherproofing system and applied on-site) must comply with the following criteria as applicable to the project scope:


•    Architectural paints and coatings applied to interior walls and ceilings must not exceed the volatile organic compound (VOC) content limits established in Green Seal Standard GS-11, Paints, 1st Edition, May 20, 1993.


•    Anti-corrosive and anti-rust paints applied to interior ferrous metal substrates must not exceed the VOC content limit of 250 g/L established in Green Seal Standard GC-03, Anti-Corrosive Paints, 2nd Edition, January 7, 1997.


•    Clear wood finishes, floor coatings, stains, primers, and shellacs applied to interior elements must not exceed the VOC content limits established in South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1113, Architectural Coatings, rules in effect on January 1, 2004.

Potential technologies & Strategies


Specify low-VOC paints and coatings in construction documents. Ensure that VOC limits are clearly stated in each section of the specifications where paints and coatings are addressed. Track the VOC content of all interior paints and coatings during construction.

FBK Solutions 

All paint and coating products used on the interior of the building (inside of the weatherproofing system and applied on site) have been included in the tables and comply with the VOC limits of the referenced standards for this credit.


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